Cumberland Valley Analytical Services, INC.

Laboratory Services for Agriculture...
...from the field to the feed bunk.


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Title Description
New Research Results Research by CVAS shows a strong relationship between rapidly accessible starch and rapidly accessible fatty acids in corn silage. These newer assays are available for corn silage, corn grain materials, and TMR. Read more at Edit
Forage and Feed Analysis Our focus as a laboratory is on forage and feed nutritional characterization for the dairy industry. We work to implement new technologies as they become available. We were the first laboratory in the United States to commercialize the characterization of forages through the “Fermentation Analysis” and were also one of the early providers of invitro digestibility services. Edit
NIR Testing As the largest chemistry based forage lab in the U.S., we have the resources to generate some of the most extensive NIR calibrations in the industry. As well as providing NIR services at the three CVAS facilities, we support a number of NIR labs in the U.S. and abroad. Edit
CVAS History Founded in 1992, CVAS has distinguished itself in part by a focus on utilizing new technologies commercially to characterize forages for the dairy nutrition market. We have grown in that time from a two person operation within 700 square feet of lab space to a staff of over 70 in 30000 square feet in four U.S. locations. Edit
Proximate Analysis CVAS provides services for proximate analysis of commercial feeds and ingredients often used for quality control purposes by feed manufacturing operations. Sellers and users of feed ingredients utilize our chemistry services to determine quality. Our web based data management software allows for efficient retrieval and summarization of this information. Edit
Manure Analysis CVAS is certified by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for manure testing. With increasing emphasis on stewardship of resources, including implementation of feed management planning, manure testing is becoming a routine evaluation for animal production facilities. Our web based data management system offers tools for efficient administration of manure testing data. Edit
Water Analysis As a provider of diagnostic services to animal agricultural, CVAS provides livestock suitability evaluations of water. Data is available by web access for printing, sorting, and summarization. Do you know if water quality is an issue on your operation? Edit
Invitro Evaluations CVAS has been performing invitro fiber digestibility determinations for over 15 years. We are the largest provider of traditional invitro NDF digestibility services in the U.S. Our Waynesboro, PA location is dedicated to invitro and insitu services and has a capacity for over 1800 concurrent incubations. Edit
Plot Evaluations CVAS has been providing chemistry and NIR services for corn silage plot evaluations for many years. We support a number of state and industry programs. Our extensive invitro and insitu capacity allows for a large throughput of samples within a quick turnaround time. Edit
Fermentation Analysis CVAS introduced the commercial fermentation analysis to the U.S. forage industry over 15 years ago. This qualitative evaluation of fermented forages is a critical and powerful evaluation tool. Our “Fermentation Plus” package is the most extensive in the industry. Edit
Byproduct Analysis Cumberland Valley Analytical Services routinely evaluates many different materials that are used in ruminant diets. Certain feed materials are quite familiar but others, such as garlic and plankton, are not perhaps what you would expect to see on a ruminant smorgasbord. Edit
In situ Analysis of Feeds CVAS is one of a few U.S. operations providing significant in situ services utilizing commercially housed lactating cattle backed by a full service laboratory. We provide evaluation services for those wanting to compare rumen degradability in several protein sources to full feeding trials looking at the impact of feed additives. Edit
Starch Digestibility Evaluation CVAS is one of a few laboratories providing in vitro and in situ evaluations of starch digestibility in forage and feed. An understanding of rumen starch degradability characteristics is important for successful nutrition programs. Edit
Mold / Yeast Culturing At CVAS we perform quantification of molds and yeasts in various forage and feeds and also do mold identification. Mold and yeast enumeration is an inexpensive diagnostic evaluation for trouble shooting problem feeding situations. Edit
Mycotoxin Evaluations Mycotoxins are a huge animal productivity concern. Partnering with Trilogy Analytical Laboratory, one of the top mycotoxin testing labs in the U.S. (, allows us to provide extensive reference testing services at very competitive rates. Edit
Certifications CVAS has been certified by NFTA yearly since we began participating in the program over 20 years ago. CVAS is certified by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for manure testing. We also participate in various quality control programs such as the AAFCO check sample program, the European BIPEA check sample program, the AOCS check sample program, and are in the process of NOPA certification. Edit
Digestible Organic Matter Index for Alfalfa Marketing CVAS has established a new index system for ranking alfalfa hay and silage for marketing purposes. Simple but powerful, this system utilizes invitro indigestible fiber at 30 hours and ash to determine the amount of digestible organic matter available to the high producing dairy cow. Edit
NIR Laboratory Support Services Our depth of NIR expertise, extensive NIR calibrations, significant chemistry services, and unique software platforms allow us to be a key partner to other entities providing NIR evaluation services to the agricultural market. Whether U.S. or international based, we can assist in determining feasibility of operations, lab specifications, and technical operations support. Edit
Process Control Analysis Critical to efficient operation of larger animal units is understanding and control of feedstuff variability. Through the use of NIR analysis and utilizing CVAS software, the nutritional professional can cost effectively track and define feed input variability on the farm. Edit
Research CVAS is committed to supporting research efforts that expand our understanding of forage and ruminant feeding. We routinely interact with researchers at major institutions in the U.S. and abroad in defining and executing analysis protocols. CVAS invests in original research and has published a number of abstracts and popular press articles. Edit